Mission 7 out of 8 from campaign HFV: Colonization

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Size 240x205 (XL)
Type Building mission


Jilson ran into desert. Nomadic tribes made a deal with him. They offered protection for all his possessions. The bandit's leader lost almost everything, but now we have to face all the desert might. As we expected we found our missed troupes here. The survivors told us, that after they restored their settlement, nomads rushed and robbed it. They had to hire people for gold and spill their blood to defend themselves. Soldiers told us about unbearable heat in the desert. Everything is melting in the sand dunes. We have no idea how we should find this damned bandit's leader here, but we definitely will not let him go away. Today is your last day Jilson. Start praying, death is coming for you.
