Campaign: Scout - the Unit of Shit (c) vovets1

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Author Classic35
Missions in latest version 11 (10 building, 1 fighting)
Date uploaded 2024-04-09
Total downloads 99


In a distant kingdom called Scoutland an unusual kid was born, and he was named vovets1. Then the King - Sir Scout ''The Black Swineherd'' congratulated his family as soon as he had known about that and wished to see their son in his army in 20 years. Vovets1' peasant family made different entertaining plays on fairs, that's why he knew well what wishful thinking was. Folks even gave him a nickname ''Cu...''. Well, Fabulist.
And then the day when vovets1 joined the King's service became. After 10 years a land on the border of the kingdom was given to him for his great victories in fighting tournaments. But then things went bad as his village wasn't growing, and further tournaments were lost. Then, after long exhausting duels he was enlightened. The reason was that scout is a unit of shit.
He firmly believed in that. His messengers went to all the corners of the kingdom. So the new religion called Noscoutism was born.

"Hard" difficulty level is meant for the first playthrough of this campaign for all players. "Very Hard" is meant for further playthroughs. Equipping scout (unit of shit) on "Very Hard" difficulty level leads to defeat.

Authors: Classic, vovets1, Ritter_des_Todes

Idea and landscape of the 9th mission: FROST
Plot author: Classic supported by one bottle of be... apple juice
English translation: vovets1's head supported by his hand while reading all of this
Author of the Author: : Ritter_des_Todes supported by the Author

Campaign version: 1.21
Difficulty level: Hard / Very Hard

KaM Remake r15122+


Type Number Size Detail
1 128x128 (M) Detail
2 125x140 (L) Detail
3 128x64 (M) Detail
4 170x170 (L) Detail
5 224x224 (XL) Detail
6 192x128 (L) Detail
7 96x128 (M) Detail
8 64x128 (M) Detail
9 128x160 (L) Detail
10 160x160 (L) Detail
11 200x200 (XL) Detail

Campaign map

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Date Version Missions Stats Actions
2024-04-28 1.21 11 (10 , 1 ) 7 Download
2024-04-23 1.2a 11 (10 , 1 ) 12 Download
2024-04-23 1.2, update m.2-6, 9 11 (10 , 1 ) 0 Download
2024-04-19 1.1a fix Very Hard m.3 11 (10 , 1 ) 14 Download
2024-04-17 1.1 - added difficulty level "Very Hard" 11 (10 , 1 ) 4 Download
2024-04-09 1.00 11 (10 , 1 ) 62 Download