Campaign: The Restoration of Nerubium

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Basic info

Author dirty abdul
Missions in latest version 18 (11 building, 7 fighting)
Date uploaded 2023-12-23
Total downloads 350


This campaign offers you the classic KaM style adventure. You the hero, Baron Jerome Boschfort, have to save the realm once again.

A campaign by Thib
Difficulty rating: Medium

For now it lacks a dynamic script, tips or help on this aspect is always appreciated since I currently lack the required scriptingskills.

A special thanks to Lewin, Krom and all the others whom made the KaM Remake!


Type Number Size Detail
1 96x96 (M) Detail
2 160x160 (L) Detail
3 144x144 (L) Detail
4 64x64 (S) Detail
5 160x144 (L) Detail
6 96x80 (M) Detail
7 176x176 (L) Detail
8 160x144 (L) Detail
9 176x96 (L) Detail
10 112x112 (M) Detail
11 160x160 (L) Detail
12 128x128 (M) Detail
13 144x144 (L) Detail
14 176x176 (L) Detail
15 224x208 (XL) Detail
16 64x64 (S) Detail
17 128x112 (M) Detail
18 192x192 (XL) Detail

Campaign map

Click to open in new window.


Date Version Missions Stats Actions
2023-12-23 V1.1 18 (11 , 7 ) 350 Download