Map: Breaking the Chains

Download latest version (for r14281+)

Basic info

Type Building map
Author Harry
Players 1
Size 192 × 192 (XL)
Date uploaded 2021-09-18 by Harry
Total downloads 285
Short description


Since the 6 kingdoms have allied, the surrounding villages have been exploited even more than before. Men who had previously provided for the upkeep of their families are used as slaves. In addition to famine, civil war is threatening. We should stop them before it is too late. It will not be easy. Each kingdom uses different tactics. Our next opponent has occupied the local iron deposits, so we will probably be forced to rely only on leather units for the time being until we have eliminated them.

Special thanks goes to Strangelove for providing me his script for improved AI (+ mapname :D).
Make sure to check out his maps and campaign!



Date Version Stats Actions
2022-04-30 1.1 166 Download (for r14281+)
2021-10-14 1.1 96 Download (for r13651+)
2021-09-18 1.0b 23 Download (for r13380+)