Map: Through the Mountains

Download latest version (for r12945+)

Basic info

Type Building map
Author sado
Players 10
Size 224 × 224 (XL)
Date uploaded 2021-05-20 by sado1
Total downloads 46
Short description


NOTE: this is a preview version.
Best played with PT 45-50 (5 builders and serfs, school on start)

Through the Mountains, where the daredevils fell...
Who were thinking they might pass them and dwell
In those green lands bringing flowery smell.
Lives were taken, like they're something to sell
To those peaks tough, like a beast's outer shell.
Be prepared to hear the sound of the bell,
Ringing loudly, as if some kind of spell.
And be ready for a journey through hell
Passing mountains, where the daredevils fell...

If you head north from location 12, you will see the graves of koczis12 and his entire family, after he saw this map.



Date Version Stats Actions
2021-05-20 0.09 46 Download (for r12945+)